STAGE 1 - "Hitchhiking"
Both the child & the adult are inside the Ski-Pal. The adult is right up against the back of the child with very little space between them. This positioning is best used with kids under the age of 3 who are in need of maximum support because their legs get tired very quickly! There is very little speed during this stage. In essence, the little tike is bumming a free ride off you down the slopes! This beats deserting them in day care all day. See our video page for a demonstration.
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STAGE 2 - "Schooling"
This stage allows the adult to grant the child tiny "sips" of independence at will. While remaining inside the Ski-Pal, the adult gradually slides away from the child while in motion down the hill towards the back of the hoop. Unlike the harness, these brief "sips" of independence can given or taken away while in motion as nothing ever needs to be unclipped with the Ski-Pal! In this stage, we recommend the Ski-Pal be adjusted to its longer 49" length.
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STAGE 3 - "Graduation"
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